Saturday, 23 March 2013

Its Done: Country Cottage Bedroom!


Fully handmade by me !! Hope you all like it :)

Little Things

 More Objects i have made for my bedroom
A white country wooden coffee
A Large book
A plain bag :)

Stationary Box

This is a little set of letters newspapers and notebooks
I made these for the room hope they will look good

Postage Package

I once came across a picture of a really cute postal package set and i just had to make mine!
Enjoy the pictures Guys

Project continuation

Here are some more pictures reffering to what i also did .
Adding a bit of furniture and making sure its to scale im very bad at making objects at the right scale /:

Making the curtains that was fun used alot of hairspray though.

Its starting to look like a bedroom now!!!! i remember i couldn't stop looking at it!

Room Box Project Start

 In September i started a project! where my plan was to make a room box! upon deciding that it will be a bedroom i headed straight in my plan was to have everything made by me from scratch.
My theme was based around a floral like cottage that's not too old in style :)
Once i had my roombox made i really went for the easiest floor to make (out of lollipop sticks)
very painful and boring process i might say haha 

           I started with the bare bones such as the flooring making the window ,panelling and some main
                                                                      furniture ,etc
         One of the reasons i was ready to make the room fully handmade was because i had collected soo       many ideas over time :) ...and i don't like the fact of cheating by putting in things you bought haha
          after i had varnished my wood i added the wallpaper and then i went on to give the room some      character ^.^